We develop intelligent cybersecurity systems to protect companies' platforms and their users against hackers, malware, ransomeware and any computer attack.PAIP is our anti-hacking cybersecurity system developed with 3 layers of protection.A state-of-the-art system that prevents the theft of user passwords.It is inviolable and 100% secure.
Two encrypted channels:One of communication for P2P linksOther of security and protection M2MGCS technology (Ghost Cryptographic Security)
ATTACK RESPONSE LAYERA 24/7 Security and Monitoring Center controls all P.A.I.P. networks.A set of procedures are activated when unauthorized access is detected to block and neutralize the intruder.
Revolutionizing the sector with disruptive, innovative developments and looking to the future
Revolutionizing the sector with disruptive, innovative developments and looking to the future
ANTIPHISHING LAYERIt is a technology that prevents the theft of access codes from users. This technique is 100% secure and impossible to hack.
ACCOUNT PROTECTION LAYERIt is a high-security cryptographic technology that prevents hackers from accessing user accounts. Several security protocols combined create a total protection shield that makes it impossible for hackers to access.
® Copyright 2020
Calle 16 de agosto, No. 143, Nivel 2,Santiago de los Caballeros, CP 57000República Dominicana